We have 21 units of accommodation here at Pathway Project, located across two different areas of the Midlands.
Our units of accommodation provide a safe space for women and their children who are not safe in their own homes, a chance to escape their abuse.
Once you are in refuge with us you will be supported by one of our specialist refuge support workers who will work with you on your long-term goals whilst in a refuge such as: building your confidence, finances, housing, safety and risk planning for the future, social services to name but a few.
If you aren’t safe in your own home and would like to access our refuge services please call our 24-hour helpline on 01543 676 800.
The video to the right is a snippet of a Stacey Dooley documentary filmed at one of our refuges a few years ago.
Rebecca House
Rebecca House is one of two women’s refuges we have that offers support and a warm comfortable and friendly environment where women can stay either alone, or with their children. Rebecca House is in a central location, near all major facilities, parks, cinema, theatre and other popular leisure interests.
There are six individual units where each family have their own sitting room.
All the rooms are furnished to a high standard, have their own bathroom; and three of the rooms have their own cooking facilities. One of the units is completely fitted out for a disabled resident, with lowered kitchen units and a walk-in shower.
There is a communal lounge for the residents, a large general kitchen, a laundry room and a safe area for the children to play outside. All the rooms can accommodate single women or women with children.
Eden Sanctuary
The Eden Sanctuary is the second of our two refuges and is also based in Staffordshire, and can accommodate 14 families.
We can have in excess of 25 children staying here with us at any one time. Each room, again, has self-contained units, but it is on a larger scale than our sister refuge Rebecca House.
This Intensive Support Centre also has 24-hour staffing which enables us to provide support to women with more complex needs, both on a practical and emotional level.
All the rooms are furnished to a high standard, have their own cooking facilities and some rooms share bathroom areas.
One of the units is completely fitted out for a disabled resident, with lowered kitchen units and a walk-in shower.
There is a communal lounge for the residents, a laundry room and a safe area for the children to play outside. All the rooms can accommodate single women or women with children.